It is possible to configure and manage the travel expense that are incurred by T&I suppliers on their appointments. This can be done globally, or individually.

To make a change for an individual supplier: 

From within their Organisation Page, head to T&I Settings under the Settings tab and:

  • Allow mileage: This will determine whether, by default, suppliers have the Mileage field in their Appointment modal.
  • Allow travel expenses: This will determine whether, by default, suppliers have the Travel Expenses field in their Appointment modal.
  • Allow travel time: If ticked, the Administrator will need to set the default hourly rate for travel time.
  • Apply a cap: This is where you can set a cap for the total Travel Costs value that can be claimed by the supplier.

To make changes globally: 

Click on: Settings -> T & I Settings.

*Please note that any updates must be made in advance, so the earliest a change can be effective is from midnight on the day of making the update!*